Sunday, June 9, 2013

When Does Life Begin?

Pro choice advocates never fail to explain that there is no way to know for sure when life begins and that the answer is purely philosophical: only able to be answered by religion which, they are quick to point out, has no place in government. However, this somewhat logical sounding conjecture is based upon a faulty premise: that there is no way to determine when life begins, when in fact there is a simple and quite clear answer from science, namely, that life does indeed begin at conception.

Biology and Life

Biology, after all, is the study of life, so biologist have determined 7 criteria that all life meets. Although not a perfect model, it does work for all known life including humans. These 7 criteria are:

  1. Homeostasis
  2. Organization
  3. Metabolism
  4. Growth
  5. Adaptation
  6. Response to Stimuli
  7. Reproduction
By definition, if something meets all 7 of these criteria, then it is alive. This is the way scientists can logically classify viruses as not alive and bacteria as alive. However, when these seven criteria are applied to the zygote (fertilized egg) it becomes clear that it is indeed alive simply because it meets all 7 criteria. 
The only place this is not considered alive is
in the philosophy of a pro-choice advocate. 

What About Sperm and Eggs?

When applying science to the issue of abortion, pro choice advocates immediately argue that sperm and eggs are alive too, so to say purposefully aborting a zygote is murder is akin to saying menstruating is murder as well. However, this is a glaring example of a reductio ab adsurdum fallacy. Sperm and eggs are alive, but they are part of the person that produces them simply because they have the exact same copy of DNA as the man or woman. However, since a zygote contains unique DNA, it is clearly not part of the woman or the man, but instead a new individual. Since the zygote contains DNA that differs from the mother or father, is biologically, scientifically and medically alive, and abortion terminates the viability of the zygote, abortion is therefore murder to any logical mind.

A Final Thought

In arguing against abortion, many pro choice advocates who hear this argument simply reply "All those arguments have been dismissed by the courts a long time ago. If it's not illegal then they must have thought about that and saw its all right." This, however, is putting a large amount of blind faith into an imperfect court system. After all the courts at one time argued that slaves were subhuman and since they weren't people they didn't deserve the same rights as white men (Dred Scott v. Sanford.) Today this is seen as a glaringly racist statement and is condemned as such. In such a manner, the abortion of children on the basis that they are not people and don't deserve the same rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as everyone else will eventually be seen as an infanticidal decision and Roe v. Wade will one day be overturned. 

Of course, there are a number of logistical problems with completely outlawing abortion, but if done in incremental steps with appropriate infrastructure for the placement of unwanted babies in caring homes, this crime against humanity can be eliminated.

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